After doing P90X back in 2007-2008 before Samuel was born (which was an awesome workout regimen, in my opinion), since I signed up to be a member on, I started receiving their email newsletters. I often find some tidbit of interesting stuff in each newsletter, which says a lot since I usually find newsletters from similar companies to be quite useless. Well, today's email newsletter had an article that really spoke to a desire I have had for far too long now and have not acted on - to change my diet and eat healthier again:
Reading this simple article on doing an 8 Week Transition Diet seems like something that I can actually do if I am intentional about the steps to take each week... it seems more realistic than just diving in to the week 8 portion of the diet like so many other diet plans seem to do from the get-go. Diving right in to being Mr. Healthy is a daunting task, so just like Michelle and I walked (and are walking) through Dave Ramsey's 7 Baby Steps to Financial Freedom - this "Transition Diet" feels more like taking baby steps to a more healthy lifestyle. I like!